Anne Parillaud
Anne Parillaud, a French actor who is active since 1977. The actress is well-known worldwide as La Femme Nikita's lead actress. Anne Parillaud was born in France. She has been an actor since 1977. Her international fame is due her performance as the titular character in the film of Luc Besson La Femme Nikita. The place where Anne was born is the 12th Parisian district. Anne continues to appear in numerous movies. Anne also enjoys dancing with friends or chatting. Anne is a person who sticks to their heart. Her many fans would say it seems she has done a good job of making the correct choices.A smoker for much of her life, Francis said that she quit the habit around the middle of 1980s, but she was diagnosed with nonsmall-cell lung cancer in 2006. Francis died at the age of 62 in Santa Barbara California on January 2, 2011, from complications resulting from pancreatic tumors. Besson's relationship with Milla Jovivich, an actress who was working on The Fifth Element in 1997 resulted in the break-up of their marriage. Jovovich, 21, was wedding to Besson on the night of December 14, 1997. He was at the time aged 38. The couple divorced in 1999. Besson, then 45 years older, got married to Virginie Silla 32 on 28 August 2004, at the time she was just 35. Francis, an attractive blonde of 5 feet 8 inches who had a mole growing next to her lips, wasn't an eye-proof woman. This was especially evident in her film work from the 1950s, which launched and earned her her acclaim. Lana is a woman who had been not paying attention to Archer for some time she finally admits her love for him. Lana agrees with him but refuses to return the love. Lana then confesses her affection for Archer just before saying to Abbiejean the truth that Archer is father to Lana's (Lana's) daughter.
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